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Citation Resources

What are In-Text Citations?

In-Text Citations

Whenever you refer to information in the text of your paper you must give credit to the author of that information. It does not matter if you reword the information; you must still give credit because it is not your research and/or your idea.


If you don't give credit, you have plagiarized.

Two Ways to do In-Text Citations


Signal Phrases

Parenthetical Citation

Signal phrases include the author’s name and a verb to introduce the material. Include the author’s last name in the signal phrase.

If you do not introduce the author’s name in the text, you must include it in a parenthetical citation.


According to Jones (1998), APA style is a difficult citation format for first-time learners.


APA style is a difficult citation format for first-time learners (Jones, 1998, p. 199).


Example: Murray illustrates how personal electronic devices have changed our daily lives (15).


Example:  Research show how personal electronic devices have changed our daily lives for the worse (Murray 15).

APA 7th Edition Informational Video