You can get almost any article, book or DVD through Resource Sharing and Interlibrary Loan. If you find an article or book you want to use, and are asked to pay money for access, do not do this. Use the library services to obtain these materials, generally at no cost to you.
Resource Sharing (TRAILS): Students, staff or community users who need physical copies of books or media that are not available at the FVCC Library may request these items through our partnership with 16 other Montana Academic Libraries (TRAILS). Users can request that these items be borrowed and shipped to FVCC for pickup. You can find these items on the library’s online website (Primo) and can be ordered through your library account online. Library staff are available to help locate and order these items in person or by email. The loan period is at the discretion of the partner library, but ranges from 4-10 weeks.
Interlibrary Loan (Worldshare): Occasionally, students, staff or community users need books or articles that are not available in the library or through TRAILS. Library staff can assist in ordering these materials from other libraries in person, by phone or via email. Interlibrary loan takes an average of 3 days for articles and 10 days for books, although some hard-to-find items may take longer. You are responsible for any fees associated with late, damaged, or lost materials. These fees are set by the lending library and vary. You will be notified by phone or email when items arrive.